Race to the finish.
| Run the latest update on your equipment or the app to discover Leaderboard! Race against friends, family, and even yourself with our all‐new, intelligent, competitive feature. Now every workout can be a head‐to‐head
competition, pushing you to train harder than ever before! Be sure to set your account to Public, so you can fully participate in Leaderboard competitions.
| Choose your opponents.Challenge your friends and family, no matter when they complete the same workout.
Filter the competition.Choose whom you compete against: friends, a specific user age, gender, or equipment type.
| Switch your metrics.Compete based on distance, watts, elevation gain, calories, and more.
See how far you've come.Compare your past performances on individual workouts to see how you've improved.
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| ICON Health & Fitness, Inc 1500 S. 1000 W. Logan, UT 84321, US.
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